Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lakner
Leiter der Professur
- Produktivitäts- und Effizienz-Analyse im Ökolandbau
- Entwicklung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU (GAP)
- Ökonomische und ökologische Auswirkungen der Agrarumweltpolitik der EU (Greening, zweite Säule)
- Nachhaltigkeit von Landnutzungssystemen
- Ökonomik und Strukturwandel im Ökolandbau
- Österreichische Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie (ÖGA)
- European Association for Agricultural Economics (EAAE)
Akademischer Werdegang
2020 - jetzt Professur Agrarökonomie an der Agrar- und Umweltwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Rostock
2019 - 2020 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Thünen-Institut für Ländliche Räume, Braunschweig
2010 - 2019 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Agrarpolitik, Universität Göttingen
2005-2009 Promotion in Agrarwissenschaften (Dr sc agr) am Lehrstuhl für Agrarpolitik (Prof. Dr. S. von Cramon-Taubadel), Thema der Dissertation: Effizienzanalyse im ökologischen Landbau - Bestandsaufnahme, empirische Analyse und agrarpolitische Schlussfolgerungen
2002-2004 Studium Agrarwissenschaften (MSc) an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
1997-2002 Studium Ökologische Landwirtschaft (Dipl-Ing) an der Universität Kassel/Witzenhausen
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
- Lakner, S.: Welche Rolle spielt die Agrarpolitik im Hinblick auf den landwirtschaftlichen Strukturwandel?, RdL 11/12 2024, pp. 305-313.
- Lakner, S.: Wie eine effektive Reform gelingt. DLG-Mitteilungen Sonderheft, 2024, pp. 4-7.
- Meyer-Jürshof, M.; Theilen, G.S.; Lakner, S.: Digging into Complexity: The Wicked Problem of Peatland Protection. Advanced Sustainable Systems 2024, 2400380, DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202400380 (Open Access)
- Robinson, D.M.; Lakner, S.; Otter, V.: Are German pastures greener for Chinese dairy foreign direct investments?, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 2024, DOI: 10.22434/IFAMR2022.0052 (Open Access!)
- Sommer, P.; Lakner, S.; Nordt, A.; Tanneberger, F.; Wegmann, J.: Deriving a justified budget for peatland rewetting – Applying the German coal phase-out as a blueprint. Land Use Policy 2024, 147, 107363,
- Röder, N.; Krämer, Ch.; Grajewski, R.; Lakner, S.; Matthews, A.: What is the environmental potential of the post-2022 common agricultural policy?, Land Use Policy 2024, 144, 107219 (Open Access!)
- Zinngrebe, Y.; Berger, J.; Bunn, Ch.; Felipe-Lucia, M. R.; Graßnick, N.; Kastner, Th.; Pe’er, G.; Schleyer, Ch.; Lakner, S.: Prioritizing partners and products for the sustainability of the EU’s agri-food trade, One Earth, 2024, 7 pp. 674-686.
- Lakner, S.; Röder, N.: Die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU: Flaggschiff-Politik oder ewige Reformruine? Wirtschaftsdienst, 2024, 104(3), pp. 159-164. DOI: 10.2478/wd-2024-0047
- Lakner, S.: Streit um den Agrardiesel - Was steckt hinter den Protesten? Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 2024, 56(03), pp. 10-13.
- Bethge, S.; Lakner, S.: Farmers’ Attitudes toward the Future of Direct Payments: An Empirical Study from Germany, GJAE, 2023, 72(1), DOI: 10.30430/gjae.2023.0268.
Lakner, S.: Impact of the Ukraine War on the EU Agricultural Policy [Auswirkungen des Ukrainekrieges auf die EU-Agrarpolitik]. Wirtschaftsdienst, 2023, 103 (13), pp. 42-49, DOI: 10.2478/WD-2023-0066
Knauber, L.; Lakner, S.; Plieninger, T.: Implementation and support models for implementing the Habitats Directive – Interview finding using Lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia as examples [Umsetzungs- und Betreuungsmodelle der Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie Ergebnisse von Interviews am Beispiel von Niedersachsen, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen] Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 2023, 55(5), pp. 30-37, DOI: 10.1399/NuL.2023.05.03
Hering, D.; Schürings, Ch.; Wenskus, F.; Blackstock, K.; Borja, A.; Birk, S.; Bullock, C.; Carvalho, L.; Dagher-Kharrat, M.B.; Lakner, S.; Lovrić, N.; McGuinness, S.; Nabuurs, G.-J.; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.; Settele, J.; Pe’er, G.: Securing success for the Nature Restoration Laws. The EU law would complement many others, but challenges loom. Science, 2023, 382(6676), pp. 1248-1250, DOI: 10.1126/science.adk1658
Pe'er, G.; Finn, J.A.; Díaz, M.; Birkenstock, M.; Lakner, S.; Röder, N.; Kazakova, Y.; Šumrada, T.; Bezák, P.; Concepción, E.D.; Dänhardt, J.; Morales, M.B.; Rac, I.; Špulerová, J.; Schindler, S.; Stavrinides, M.; Targetti, S.; Viaggi, D.; Vogiatzakis, I.N.; Guyomard, H.: How can the European Common Agricultural Policy help halt biodiversity loss? Recommendations by over 300 experts, Conservation Letters, 2022, 15,6, (Open Access)
- Mupepele, A.-C.; Bruelheide, H.; Brühl, C.; Dauber, J.; Fenske, M.; Freibauer, A.; Gerowitt, B.; Krüß, A.; Lakner, S.; Plieninger, T.; Potthast, T.; Schlacke, S.; Seppelt, R.; Stützel, H.; Weisser, W.; Wägele, W.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Klein, A.M.: Biodiversity in European agricultural landscapes: transformative societal changes needed, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 36(12), pp. 1067-1070.
- Beber, C.L.; Lakner, S.; Skevas, I.: Organizational forms and technical efficiency of the dairy processing industry in Southern Brazil; Agricultural and Food Economics, 2021, 9(1) pp. 23.
Candel, J.J.L.; Lakner, S.; Pe'er, G.: Europe's reformed agricultural policy disappoints; Nature, 2021, pp. 650.
- Tanneberger, F.; Appulo,L.; Ewert, St.; Lakner, S.; Brolcháin, N. Ó.; Peters, J.; Wichtmann, W.: The Power of Nature-Based Solutions: How Peatlands Can Help Us to Achieve Key EU Sustainability Objectives; Adv. Sustainable Syst. 2020, 2000146, doi: DOI: 10.1002/adsu.202000146
- Pe’er, G.; Lakner, S.: The EU’s Common Agricultural Policy Could Be Spent Much More Efficiently to Address Challenges for Farmers, Climate, and Biodiversity; One Earth 2020, 3, doi: org/10.1016/j.oneear.2020.08.004
- Lakner, S.; Zinngrebe, Y.; Koemle, D.: Combining management plans and payment schemes for targeted grassland conservation within the Habitats Directive in Saxony, Eastern Germany, Land Use Policy, 2020, 97, 104642,
- Pe'er, G.; Zinngrebe, Y.; Moreira, F.; Sirami, C.; Schindler, S.; Müller, R.; Bontzorlos, V.; Clough, D.; Bezák, P.; Bonn, A.; Hansjürgens, B.; Lomba, A.; Möckel, S.; Passoni, G.; Schleyer, C.; Schmidt, J.; Lakner, S.: A greener path for the EU Common Agricultural Policy - It's time for sustainable, environmental performance; Science, 2019, 365(6452): 449-451; doi: 10.1126/science.aax3146 => Summary, => Reprint, => Full text
- Seidel, C.; Heckelei, T.; Lakner, S.: Conventionalization of Organic Farms in Germany: An Empirical Investigation Based on a Composite Indicator Approach; Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Wildlife, 2019, 11, doi: 10.3390/su11102934. (Open Access!)
- Lakner, S.; OppermannR.: A CAP-Reform Model to strengten Nature Conservation - Impacts for Farms and for the Public Budget in Germany, in: Austrian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Studies, 2018, 27(17), pp.129-137, doi: 10.15203/OEGA_27.17, (Open Access!)
- Lakner, S.; Kirchweger, S.; Hoop, D.; Brümmer, B; Kantelhardt, J.: The effects of diversification activities on the technical efficiency of organic farms in Switzerland, Austria and Southern Germany, Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Wildlife, 2018, 10(4), 1304; doi:10.3390/su10041304, (Open Access!)
- Lakner, S.; Breustedt, G.: Efficiency analysis of organic farming systems - a review of concepts, topics, results and conclusions, German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2017, 66 (2), pp. 85-108.
- Zinngrebe, Y.; Pe'er, G.; Schüler, S.; Schmitt, J.; Schmidt, J.; Lakner, S.: The EU's Ecological Focus Areas - explaining farmers' choices in Germany, Land Use Policy, 2017, Vol. 65 (June 2017): 93-108, doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.03.027. (Open Access!)
- Lakner, S.; Brenes-Muñoz, T.; Brümmer, B.: Technical Efficiency in Chilean Agribusiness Industry - a Metafrontier Approach, Agribusiness, 2017, 33(3), pp. 302-323, doi: 10.1002/agr.21493.
- Pe'er, G., Zinngrebe, Y.; Hauck, J.; Schindler, S.; Dittrich, A.; Zingg, S.; Tscharntke, T.; Oppermann, R.; Sutcliffe, L.; Sirami, C.; Schmidt, J.; Hoyer, C.; Schleyer, C.; Lakner, S.: Adding some green to the greening: improving the EU's Ecological Focus Areas for biodiversity and farmers, Conservation Letters, 2016, 10(5): 517–530, DOI: 10.1111/conl.12333. (Open Access!)