Project details


Outcome 1 – Development and structuring of qualification and study programs in the field of agro biodiversity

The main objective lies on the development of a certificate course in the field of agro biodiversity which should be implemented in all partner institutions (Output 1).

Outcome 2 – Topics on agro biodiversity are anchored in the research priorities of the partner institutions

The aim is to further develop these focal points together in an interdisciplinary manner and to involve more students (especially in the Master's programs) in research activities (Output 3).

Outcome 3 – The German partners gained experiences in development programs

During the project period the cooperation with local actors (e.g. farmers, environmental and conservation organizations) should be extended. Furthermore, the involvement in internationals research cooperation should be fostered (Output 3 und 4).

Outcome 4 – Relevant professional networks in the field of agro biodiversity are established

Between the partners (“north-south-south”) a strong intercommunication in the field of research (joint research projects) as well as in teaching (development of study programs, exchange of students and docents) should be established (Output 3 und 4).

Project activities

Grafik zu den geplanten Aktivitäten in den einzelnen zeitlichen Abschnitten

1 all workshops are coupled with training events for teachers and docents (e.g. Blended Learning)