Compulsory elective modules
In the degree programme in Livestock Sciences, compulsory elective modules amounting to at least
12 credit points (LP) must be taken. The following compulsory elective modules are offered at the faculty:
summer term
- Agrobiotechnology in Research and Practice
- Animal Husbandry in Tropics and Subtropics
- Animal Welfare at Managing, Housing, Transport and Slaughter of Livestock
- Applied Animal Nutrition and Herd Health Assessment
- Environmental Economics
- Grassland and Forage Systems
- Land Use Systems in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Livestock Diseases and Disease Control
- Molecular Animal Breeding and Farm Animal Biology
- Molecular Plant Breeding
- Reading and Publishing Scientific English Articles
- Summer School "Biosafety of Transgenic Organisms"
- Weed Ecology and Management
- Wise Use and Protection of Peatlands