ERASMUS+ is the European Union's education, youth and sport programme. The University of Rostock has numerous partnerships with universities in Europe within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme. The contracts are concluded between the individual departments and supervised by the departmental coordinators.
ERASMUS coordinators of the AUF
If you are interested in a semester or internship abroad, you should contact the Erasmus coordinators of the faculty at an early stage. After consultation with the ERASMUS coordinators, the students select a thematic focus and apply for a stay abroad in due time. Competences acquired at the foreign study location will be recognised as long as there are no significant differences to the competences to be acquired within the framework of the SPSO. To ensure recognition, teaching and learning agreements are concluded before the start of the stay abroad.
Prof. Dr. Henning Bombeck
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, room 206
18059 Rostock
Phone: (0381) 498-3280
send E-Mail
apl. Prof. Dr. Bettina Eichler-Löbermann
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, room 133
18059 Rostock
Phone: (0381) 498-3064
send E-Mail
important links:
Rostock International House
The Rostock International House is where the threads for all international exchange activities of the University of Rostock come together. There, regular information events on the topic of "Staying Abroad" are offered.