Marian Weigel

Doktorand/PhD Student

Telefon: 0381/498 3173
Fax: 0381/498 118 3162



  • 03.2016–04.2019: Master studies at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn
    Subject: Crop Sciences
    Degree: Master of Science
  • 04.2018-03.2019: Master thesis INRES-GARTENBAU, Bonn
    „Evaluation of UV-radiation, temperature and rainfall effects on innovative adjuvants-sugar beet leaf or apple fruit surface interactions“
    Planning and execution of field trials on sugar beet
    Determination of rainfastness, radiation and temperature resistance and test of potential phytotoxic effects of anchor peptides
  • 09.2012–03.2016: Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Agriculture of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn
    Subject: Agricultural Sciences
    Degree: Bachelor of Science

Interships, activities in agriculture

  • 05.2014–06.2019: Gut Neuenhof, Frechen
    Withdrawals and analysation from soil samples
    Field work: i.a. seedbed preparation
    Repair work on equipment and machines
  • 05.2017-01.2018: Research Assistant (WHF) INRES-PFLANZENBAU, Bonn
    Planning and execution of field trials
    Measurement and determination of various parameters such as Gas exchange, juice flow, dry matter on corn and wheat