Edunabio - Educational Network of Agrobiodiversity

Project manager:
PD Dr. agr. habil Bettina Eichler Löbermann
2014 - 2017

Abstract: Forstering the aspects of biodiversity in higher education in Latin America, improve the Quality of education, and stregthening the cooperation and in Latin America and Germany.

The contens of modules of seven selected master courses in the field of agricultural, environmental and natural sciences offered by the Partner universities will be further developed regarding the aspects of biodiversity. Parallel to the elaboration of the master modules the contents of the modules and learning outcomes will be evaluated. To support the student exchange between institutions all information regarding the courses will be providet at a special project platform and students will get certificates for successful participation at the courses. Young scientists (master or PhD students) can work for short terms in other working teams to learn new methods and to develop scientific skills. Theknowledge transfer from universities to schools, enterprises, farmers etc. will be due to the development of special courses and the information of the projects internet platform. Workshops and excursions will be organized by each partner in Latin America.