Improving resource efficiency

Most of the traits of our livestock that are important for breeding are quantitative traits, i.e. traits that are influenced by a large number of genes. This also applies to the animals' ability to effectively absorb and utilize nutrients, minerals and trace elements.

The elucidation of genetic factors of the utilization of (macro- and micro-)nutrients in pig and broiler populations enables the development of strategies to improve resource efficiency through breeding in order to simultaneously reduce their ecological footprint.

The analysis of a broiler population selected for feed efficiency over several generations shows moderate genetic heritabilities in feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion. The analyses of this selected population within the EU project Eco-FCE offer the opportunity to contribute to deciphering the complex genetics of efficiency traits and to identify factors beyond major players in the endocrine regulation of feed intake.

A set of genes that influence metabolic functions in which animals with good and poor food utilisation differ