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- C, N, S-analysis of solid samples
- Determination of inorganic N species, pH value, P, K, Mg, Ca, Na in soils and plants
- Cation exchange capacity
- Determination of ionogenic compounds in water
- Determination of COD, BOD, DOC in water
- High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
- Inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)
- Py-GC/MS: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Finnigan MAT 95): Identification and quantification of organic compounds in soil organic matter, extraction and derivatization (e.g., lipids, sterols), online coupled Curie-point pyrolysis for the analysis of thermal stabile solid samples, e.g., identification of lignins and micro plastics in soil and water
- Py-FIMS: Pyrolysis-Field Ionization mass spectrometry (Finnigan MAT95), temperature resolved analysis of organic compounds in soils, plants, and technical polymers
- LC-MS/MS: Liquid chromatography coupled with tandem-MS (TSQ 700) for the quantification of organic compounds in liquid samples, e.g., glyphosate, sulfonamides, salicylic acid, and bisphenol A