The Waste and Resource Management department is known for its many national and international cooperation and projects. Therefore, only part of the team is based in Rostock, and many staff members work at external locations.
Head of the professorship
Prof. Dr. mont. Michael Nelles
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
Raum 23
Tel.: 0381 / 498 3400
Fax: 0381 / 498 3402
Scientific staff at the University of Rostock
Name | Title | Working area | Phone number | |
Antwi, Edward | Dr.-Ing. | Waste2Energy (Ghana) und Habilitation Bioenergie | +49(0)381-498-3414 | E-Mail senden |
Chaher, Nour El Houda | Dipl.-Ing. | Promotion Bioabfälle in Tunesien | +49(0)381-498-3414 | E-Mail senden |
Eckermann, Kersten | Dipl.-Ing. (FH) | Labor und Technikum | +49(0)381-498-3422 | E-Mail senden |
Ender, Tommy | M. Sc. | Promotion HTC-Prozesswasser | +49(0)381-498-3417 | E-Mail senden |
Herz, Christine | Assistenz, Verwaltung, Tagungsorganisation | +49(0)381-498-3401 | E-Mail senden | |
Jalalipour, Haniyeh | Dr.-Ing. | Biologische Abfallbehandlung/ISWA Germany | +49(0)381-498-3409 | E-Mail senden |
Morscheck, Gert | Prof. Dr. | Gastprofessor (Universität Hefei) Abfallbehandlung, Deponie, Altlasten | +49(0)381-498-3404 | E-Mail senden |
Narra, Mona-Maria | M. Sc. | Abfallbehandlung, Projektakquise | +49(0)381-498-3407 | E-Mail senden |
Narra, Satyanayarana | PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. | Internationale Abfallwirtschaft + Kooperation DBFZ | +49(0)381-498-3407 | E-Mail senden |
Nassour, Abdallah | PD Dr.-Ing. habil. | Abfallbehandlung, Internationale Abfallwirtschaft | +49(0)381-498-3403 | E-Mail senden |
Nelles, Michael | Prof. mont. | Inhaber der Professur | +49(0)381-498-3400 | E-Mail senden |
Reiner, Annabell | TA | Labor und Technikum | +49(0)381-498-3420 | E-Mail senden |
Schmidt, Christian | TA | Labor und Technikum | +49(0)381-403-4994 | E-Mail senden |
Shettigondahalli Ekanthalu, Vicky | M. Sc. | Promotion Klärschlammbehandlung & HTC | +49(0)381-403-4994 | E-Mail senden |
Singh, Vidhi | M. Sc. | Projekt MOWI | +49(0)381-498-3416 | E-Mail senden |
Sprafke, Jan | Dr.-Ing. | Leitung des Technikums | +49(0)381-498-3417 | E-Mail senden |
Thabit, Qahtan | M. Sc. | Promotion Abfallwirtschaft | +49(0)381-498-3414 | E-Mail senden |
Wiechert, Julian | M. Sc. | Projekt TouMaLi | +49(0)381-498-3406 | E-Mail senden |
Schmekel, Rike | stud. HK | Projekt TouMaLi | ||
Ziegenhorn, Justus | stud. HK | Technikum/Tagungen | ||
Scientific staff at external locations
Name | Title | Working area | |
Bewani, Rzgar | M. Sc. | Promotion Presswasservergärung | |
Daldrup, Markus | M. Sc. | Promotion Insektenbiomasse | |
Fröhlich, Janina | M. Sc. | Promotion Power-to-Liquid | |
Gallegos Ibanez, Daniela | M. Sc. | Promotion Wasserpflanzen für Biogas | |
Gökgöz, Fatih | M. Sc. | Promotion Biomethan | |
Kusuma, Angga | M. Sc. | Promotion Zementindustrie | |
Lahl, Benedict | M. Eng. | Promotion Werkstoffrecycling | |
Owusu Prempeh, Clement | M. Eng. | Promotion biogene Reststoffe | |
Safi, Saher | M. Sc. | Promotion Abfallwirtschaft | |
Shahpasand, Masoud | M. Sc. | Promotion Abfallwirtschaft | |
Undiandeye, Jerome | M. Sc. | Promotion Biomethanpotenzial | |
Wedwitschka, Harald | M. Sc. | Promotion Biogas | |
Weppel, Johanna | Master of Eng. | Promotion Biogas |
Former employees
Name | Title | Working area |
Beckmann, Gisela | Finanzverwaltung (im Ruhestand) | |
Eickhoff, Isabell | M. Sc. | Abfallwirtschaft, Bioenergie |
Elberg, Karola | M. Sc. | Biogas |
Elnaas, Ayman | Dr. | Internationale Abfallwirtschaft |
Emmerich, Anna-Sabina | M. Sc. | HTC |
Engler, Nils | Dr. | Bioenergietechnikum Leitung |
Gebauer, Ruth | Dr.-Ing. | Project SUVALIG |
Grünes, Jennifer | M. Sc. | Phosphorrückgewinnung aus Klärschlamm |
Lemke, Astrid | Dipl.-Ing. | Bioenergie |
Majanny, Abdulkader | Dr. | Abfallbehandlung, Abfallmanagement |
Schmedemann, Kai | M. Sc. | Abfallwirtschaft |
Schüch, Andrea | Dr. | Bioenergie |
Teitge, Stefan | M. Eng. | HTC |
Wefers, Peggy | B. Sc. | Bioenergietechnikum |