Chair of Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Volkmar Zabel
Head of the Chair of Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Volkmar Zabel is a civil engineer specializing in the fields of structural dynamics and system identification. His research work always focuses on methods for recording and evaluating the condition of existing structures and mapping them in numerical models. Procedures based on the identification of dynamic system behavior play a major role here. The detection and handling of uncertainties in the results obtained with these methods lead to questions in the current research activities within the working group.
Members of the team at the Chair of Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics:
Daniela Beyer
Office Manager of the Chair of Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics:

M. Eng. Lisa Schwegmann
Research assistant

Biography of Mrs. Schwegmann:
Lisa Schwegmann has been working at the Chair of Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics since May 2021. She studied civil engineering at Wismar University of Applied Sciences and graduated in 2021 with a Master of Engineering, specializing in structural engineering. Lisa Schwegmann joined the Chair of Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics at the beginning of the Civil Engineering course and was responsible for the coordination and organization of the Civil Engineering course until October 2023. In addition, she worked in the research field of adaptive structures, on which she also wrote her master's thesis.
Since December 2023, Ms. Schwegmann has been working in research on dynamic issues relating to damage identification and localization based on vibration measurements. Here, she focuses primarily on the use and development of state space-based methods.
M. Sc. Carlos Luis Paz
Research assistant

Biography of Mr. Paz:
Carlos Paz is a civil engineer with professional experience in structural design, mainly focused on seismic resistant structures. In 2023, he received a Master of Science degree from the Bauhaus University of Weimar. During his master studies, he worked as a teaching assistant for the Finite Elements course and completed an internship at GERB in Berlin, where he focused on experimenting with polyurethane pads and TMDs for energy dissipation and vibration control applications.
He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at the University of Rostock, conducting research on the relationship between structural changes in environmental and operational conditions of civil engineering structures.
Dr. Anno Dederichs
Research assistant

Biography of Mr. Dr. Dederichs:
Dr. Anno Dederichs is a structural engineer having obtained his PhD. In structural dynamics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU) in 2024 and his M.Sc. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) in 2020. His current fields of interest encompass Structural Health Monitoring, operational modal analysis, and automation of these domains. Of particular interest is the development and testing of fully automatic structural health monitoring algorithms for large civil structures, based their modal parameters.
Cleo Bindereif
Research assistant

Biography of Mrs. Bindereif:
Cleo Bindereif has been working at the Professorship of Structural Analysis and Structural Dynamics since November 2024. She studied civil engineering at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and completed her Master of Science, specialising in structural engineering, in September 2024. During her studies, she already worked on structural dynamics issues as a student assistant. She is currently researching practical methods for the design of bracing structures and connections against wind-induced vibrations as part of the research project “High-rise timber buildings - engineering methods for structural design (HOCHHINAUS)”.
Jörg Wenzlaff
Test engineer