Master Aquaculture
Welcome to the detailed description of the master degree program "Aquaculture". This program is offered by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (AUF) since the winter term 2009/2010 and provides room for 20 students.
The degree program has successfully undergone a procedure of internal accreditation and is entitled to bear the standards of the Conference of Ministers of Culture and the University of Rostock. The internal accreditation is valid until September 30, 2026.
Here you can find a short description of the programme and general information about the permission modalities.
Hints for the application
Prospective students for the study programme Aquaculture submit a letter of motivation as well as proof of any internships in this field with the enrolment documents.
Please note in your letter of motivation which of the three possible areas of specialisation (biology, technology, economics) you would probably like to choose. A binding decision for one of the three areas of concentration must be made by the end of the first week of lectures.
In the focus area of economics, knowledge of business administration, organisation and personnel, marketing, accounting and controlling is acquired, which prepares students for a later career in business. This specialisation cannot be chosen by applicants with a first degree in business administration.
As part of the introductory week, a separate information event on the focus areas of the Master's degree programme will take place. If you have any questions, you can contact the study advisor and the person responsible for the programme at any time.
Aims and Characteristics
The master's course Aquaculture is a science orientated university program with a duration of two years, where core competences of marine fish aquaculture, sea-ranching and the aquaculture of algae is taught. Further, knowledge in economical sciences, fishing, nature conservation legislations and the construction of technical facilities is impaired. Thus, our students are enabled to work on complex problems that occur in the development and application of Aquaculture.

Interested students need a Bachelor's degree in biology, agricultural sciences or in engineering sciences (preferably mechanical engineering or plant constructions). The degree should be graded with a 2.6 or better.
Students also need to be able to communicate in the English language due to the international orientation of the programme. The B2-standard according to the European framework of reference for languages proved to be sufficient.
you can find more information about the language requirements.Particularities
For the successful realisation of this interdisciplinary program, six out of nine faculties of the University of Rostock and several external institutions are involved.
- Federal Agency for Nature Conversation "Insel Vilm"
- German Oceanographic Museum Stralsund
- Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Federal Research Institute for Animal Health "Insel Riems"
- Thünen Institute for Baltic Sea Fisheries
- Resarchinstitute for Farm Animal Biology, Dummerstorf
- Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde
Fields of Activity for Graduates

Our students develop competences for the following fields of activity:
- Working as a scientist in the research and development of the different sectors of marine and limnic aquacultures (public and private institutions),
- Leading positions in development-orientated sectors of the aquaculture for different aquatic organisms,
- Maintain and evaluate production processes in the marine and limnic aquaculture,
- Working in administration offices connected to the aspects of the production of aquatic organisms and fishing.
Internship and Potential Employers
In cooperation with the Chair of Aquaculture, different employers are offering internships. Apart from private enterprises, public research institutions are interested in our students (e.g. the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde, the von Thünen-Institute in Rostock and the Max-Rubner Institute in Hamburg). According to the progress of the internship, the given task may become the foundation for the Master's thesis and may help making first career choices.