What is a bachelor's degree?

The bachelor's degree is the first academic degree. It can usually be obtained after 3 years (6 semesters) and is qualifying for a profession. The bachelor's degree is based on unified study conditions for a mutual recognition of credits within European universities. With an appropriate bachelor’s degree it’s relatively easy to change between universities and programmes throughout Europe. With the divided degrees of bachelor and master students have the opportunity to start working after a bachelor‘s degree before enrolling for a master’s degree later.


What is the difference between a University and a University of Applied Sciences (FH)?

Whether you prefer to study at a university or a university of applied sciences, you should decide carefully in advance. Basically, they are not as different any more as they were before: both institutions teach and research and the credits are almost equivalently recognized. Generally a university focuses on theory, while at a university of applied sciences the focus lies on practical studies. The learning cultures differ significantly: at a university you are self-responsible, at a FH you work more like in school classes. Think about your better learning techniques and what your future career goal is to decide upon the basis for your education by making the right choice of an appropriate educational institution.

Where and until when can I enroll?

If you want to enrol (means to register or apply) for the bachelor’s degree, you can do it online >> here << - possible from the 1st of August till the 30th of September. In contrast to NC degree programmes, enrolment here is very easy, because you don't have to show a minimum grade or an application folder. The Bachelor's and Master's degree programs of the faculty are NC-free. Simply fill out the form, send all the documents to the university and wait for your student’s identity card a few weeks later.

What is a master's degree?

The master's degree is a postgraduate degree that builds upon the knowledge of the basic bachelor‘s degree. It is usually obtained after 2 years (4 semesters). It usually takes 2 years (4 semesters). On the one hand it can represent a deepening / specialisation, on the other hand it can open up interdisciplinary new fields of knowledge.


What do I have to organise myself as a student?

As a student you live quite freely and self-responsibly! This may sound tempting, but it‘s also associated with certain obligations. Of course we offer you support, also for your life outside university!

  • Important organisation before beginning your studies: finances, housing, health insurance, residence registration office, ...
  • During your studies: find your own learning rhythm, register for examinations in time, select optional modules, ...
Are there tuition or semester fees?

The semester fee should not be confused with tuition fees. The semester fee is not used to pay for teaching, but to finance additional services. There are no tuition fees at the University of Rostock.

In the wintersemester 2024/2025, the semester fee is 276 € (99 € for the Rostock-Wismar student services, 9 € for the student union (StuRa/AStA and student councils) and 168 € for the semester ticket (nationwide from winter semester 2024/25).

Further information on the semester fee, student ID and re-registration for the semester can be found here.

How do I fund my studies?

Work, parents, BAföG, study and education loans

Student jobs (e.g. in bakeries, in bars and clubs, supermarkets etc.) you find on the black boards in all faculties and cafeterias, on the homepage of the student service or the jobcentre.

Jobs at university are usually assistant jobs in labs, administration, organisation, tutorials, experiments etc. They are a great opportunity to fund your studies: on the one hand you earn some money, and on the other hand you already work in your field of interest and get a valuable insight into research topics that might interest you.

To get federal financial aid (BAföG) it is important to apply in time, because it requires a number of documents. After graduation about half of the money must be paid back – click >> here << to get more information.

Relatively new: the Germany Scholarship. More information you find >> here <<.

What happens if I need longer for my studies?

If you need longer time than 6 semesters (because of e.g. committee work, extra courses, internships, semester abroad, child birth) nothing happens as long as the deadlines are not exceeded (see study regulations). Be aware if you receive BAföG: that is usually paid for 6 semesters and you need to explain and proof the reasons for your extended period of studying in order to get further financial support.

How many hours per week am I going to study?

For a bachelor’s degree you get a schedule that generally gives little scope to reduce your studying hours. But since you are self-responsible you actually just study as much as you want. The average time you spend at the university is about 20x45 minutes a week - which is significantly less than in school. To that you have to add 2-3 times as much work for preparation, reworking, solving exercises, homework etc. In the end it‘s almost an ordinary 40 hour working week.

For each module (subject) that you pass, you get credit points (CP); mostly 6 CP, rarely 12 CP. One CP is equivalent to about 30 hours of studying. Per semester you pass 5 modules of in total 30 credits, i.e. 900 hours of studying.

For the bachelor's degree you need to prove 180 CP in the end.

Do I have to attend all lectures?

Not really - especially lectures are optional. But of course we advise you to attend the lectures regularly. Not everything the lecturer says is also written in the script and most of the teachers dislike answering questions that have already been discussed during the lectures. Actually you safe some time of reworking if you know, what the lecturer focuses on. If you can’t attend a lecture sometimes because of appointments or illness that is not a problem. In seminars and  exercises though, and during your internships, you sometimes need to prove your participation by signature and some courses  require preliminary credits (presentations, exercises, experiments, papers) that you only yield while being present.

Do I have to study a semester abroad? How do I organise this?

A semester abroad is indeed recommended, but it’s not required by the study regulations. Every student decides on his/her own, whether a semester abroad should be part of the study experience.

A look outside the box is always worthwhile – for your personal and your professional development! And in our globalized world it’s always interesting and good to know what our neighbours are doing. There are different ways to organise a study or internship abroad.

Most important is an early decision about your travels, because it needs time to find a university or place for an internship, to get all the papers, a visa etc.! Information you can get from organisations such as the DAAD or Erasmus. Also the professors can help you, because they often work on projects together with foreign universities.

Who can I contact with questions and problems in advance?

On most issues, older students (e.g. from the student council or student guides) can help you, because they had the same questions in the beginning. Just ask them – nobody will bite you! For special questions about internships etc. you contact the study office of the faculty.

For problems with your application get into contact with your student counsellor.

What is the student council?

The Student Council are several students of the AUF, who are elected by their fellow students. They represent the interests of all students of one faculty: they talk about personal concerns and try to solve problems related to the studies (also in collaboration with the lecturers), further they organise events for a better solidarity within the faculty, and they especially take care of the freshmen by answering your questions – about studying and living in Rostock and anything else you wish to know. Via their facebook page you get the latest news and you can easily contact them.