
Please note general hints for scientific working as well as the respective exam orders of the bachelor and master courses Lifestock Sciences and Crop Production and Environment of studies.

Useful hints and templates can be found in the "start-up help" of the University of Rostock.

Topics for Bachelor- and Master-Theses you can find here.

Master theses on the Professorship of Agricultural Economics

The academic regulations for the master courses “Livestock Sciences” and “Crop Production and Environment” at the University of Rostock in the version from 24th of June, 2011 support students’ own proposals of topics for master theses.
Students who would like to suggest an individual subject proposal in the area of agricultural economics should note that

a) we expect an above-average interest in agricultural economic questions, documented by the chosen modules, and

b) the subject proposal should ideally refer to the research focus of the professorship.

To evaluate the feasibility of your project it is necessary to provide an exposé to us. This also serves as essential component of your successful final work. The following hints should give you a clue for writing a plan for your final work.

Hints for writing an exposé