Framework examination regulations for the bachelor's and master's degree programms at the University of Rostock
- Examinations regulations for the bachelor's and masters's degree programms
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 5/2023 - Regulations supplementig the RPO for the conduct of online examinations
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 3/2023 - 1. Amendment of the examinations regulations for the bachelor's and Masterer's programms
Source: University Rostock, Official Announcment 6/2024
The following documents are valid for students who have enrolled since WS 2021/2022!
- flyer bachelor Cicil Engineering
- programme-specific examination and study regulations (Including examination and study plans)
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 32/2021 - module directory
- internship regulations
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 33/2021 - internship registration
- internship certificate
- application for provisional admission (if the internship cannot be settled before the start of studies)