Circular Ocean-bound Plastic (COP)

Laufzeit: 01.09.2023-31.08.2026

Förderung und Finanzierung: Interreg South Baltic

Projektkoordinator: PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Satyanarayana Narra

Projektbearbeitung an der Professur: Stine Ganzer, Mona-Maria Narra



Ocean plastic waste is a threat to the marine life and biodiversity in the South Baltic Sea, with 80% originating from land-based sources due to human activities. The waste highlights the urgent need for awareness and motivation to reduce the amount of waste going into the sea.   

The Circular Ocean-bound Plastic (COP) project is dedicated to addressing the urgent issue of plastic pollution in the South Baltic Sea. In collaboration with partners from Denmark, Sweden, Germany, and Poland, the project will aim to identify opportunities for collecting, recycling, and reusing ocean-bound plastic waste in the region. With support from Interreg South Baltic, the project runs from 2023-2026, with a budget of more than 2.5 million euros.  

The project will conduct activities in several coastal cities in the South Baltic Sea region to test waste collection technologies and examine the use of ocean-bound plastic. A vital aspect in the project is to engage blue and green small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), local authorities, and research institutions throughout the region in the project’s activities. 

Learn more about the COP project by visiting 


Funding: The project is funded by [Interreg South Baltic] with funds from the European Regional Development Fund, aiming to unlock the potentials of the South Baltic’s blue and green growth through cross-border