Framework examination regulations for the bachelor's and master's degree programms at the University of Rostock
- Examinations regulations for the bachelor's and masters's degree programms
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 5/2023 - Regulations supplementig the RPO for the conduct of online examinations
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 3/2023 - 1. Amendment of the examinations regulations for the bachelor's and Masterer's programms
Source: University Rostock, Official Announcment 6/2024
The following documents apply from WS 2021/2022!
- flyer Bachelor Agricultural Sciences
- programme-specific examination and study regulations (Including examination and study plans)
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 34/2021 - module derectory
- Internship regulations
Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 35/2021 - internship enrolment
- internship certificate
(According to § 4 paragraph of the internship regulations, an internship report of one to two pages must be enclosed with the internship certificate).
The following documents apply to students who have enrolled from WS 2017/2018 to WS 2020/2021!
- programme-specific examination and study regulations (Including examination and study plans)
- Source: University of Rostock, Official Announcements 22/2017
- module derectory
- Internship regulations
- internship enrolment
- internship certificate
(According to § 4 paragraph of the internship regulations, an internship report of one to two pages must be enclosed with the internship certificate).